Real estate glossary
The glossary of terms used in the real estate industry.
- Abandonment
- Abstract of title
- Abutting
- Acceleration clause
- Acceptance
- Accession
- Accretion
- Acknowledgment
- Acre
- Ad valorem
- Balloon mortgage
- Balloon payment
- Bargain-and-sale deed
- Baseline
- Basis
- Benchmark
- Bill of sale
- Blanket mortgage
- Blockbusting
- Brokerage
- Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA)
- Cap
- Capital appreciation
- Capital gain
- Capitalization rate
- Cash flow
- Chain of title
- Channeling
- Cleaning fee
- Clear title
- Damages for breach of contract
- Datum
- Debit
- Debt service coverage ratio
- Decedent
- Deed
- Deed in lieu
- Defeasance
- Delivery
- Descent
- Earnest money
- Earthquake insurance
- Easement
- Easement appurtenant
- Easement by condemnation
- Economic obsolescence
- Effluxion of time
- Encroachment
- Eviction
- Exculpatory clause
- Fair market value
- Fee simple
- Fiduciary
- Finder's fee
- Fixed-Rate Mortgage
- Fixer-Upper
- Fixture
- Foreclosure
- Forfeiture
- Functional obsolescence
- General agent
- General lien
- General plan
- General warranty deed
- Gentrification
- Grace period
- Grant deed
- Gross lease
- Habendum clause
- Habitable
- Hard money
- Hard money lenders
- Hard money loan
- Hereditaments
- High-rise
- Highest and best use
- Hold harmless
- House closing
- Illusory offer
- Immovable real estate
- Impact fee
- Improvements
- Incidents of ownership
- Inspection clause
- Interest rate
- Interest rate cap
- Intimidation
- Invitee
- Jalousie
- Joint and several liability
- Joint tenancy
- Joint venture
- Joist
- Key money
- Kiosk
- Kit Home
- Knee Wall
- Knot
- Laches
- Land
- Land banking
- Land contract
- Land grant
- Landlord
- Lease
- Lease option
- Leasehold estate
- Legal description
- Manufactured home
- Market
- Market analysis
- Market value
- Marketable title
- Master plan
- Master-planned community
- Metes and bounds
- Mineral rights
- Mobile home
- Negative easement
- Neighbourhood
- Neoprene
- Net lease
- Net listing
- Non-institutional lender
- Note
- Nuisance
- Obligee
- Obligor
- Obsolescence
- Occupancy
- Offer
- Open house
- Open listing
- Option
- Ordinance
- Origination fee
- Panic peddling
- Parol evidence rule
- Participation mortgage
- Partition
- Partnership
- Party wall
- Patio home
- Percentage lease
- Physical deterioration
- Prepayment clause in a mortgage
- Quasi-contract
- Quiet enjoyment
- Quiet title
- Quiet title action
- Quiet title proceeding
- Radiant heating
- Rate of return
- Ratification
- Raw land
- Real estate investment rating
- Realty
- Receiver
- Recorded plat
- Recording
- Refinancing
- Sale and leaseback
- Sales expenses
- Sales kit
- Salesperson
- Salvage value
- Servient tenement
- Setback
- Short sale
- Single-family home
- Spite fence
- Tail beam
- Tax abatement
- Tax base
- Tax sale
- Tax title
- Tenancy by the entirety
- Tenancy in common
- Tenant
- Term
- Timeshare
- Undercoat
- Underimprovement
- Underwriting
- Undisclosed principal
- Undivided interest
- Usufruct
- Usury
- Vacancy factor
- Valley
- Valuation
- Value in exchange
- Value in use
- Variance
- View ordinance
- Virtual home tour
- Voidable contract
- Warranty deed
- Warranty of authority
- Waste
- With reserve
- Words of conveyance
- Yield
- Yield spread premium
- Yupcap
- Zero lot line
- Zone
- Zoning
- Zoning map
- Zoning ordinance